SuRe We'Re NaUgHtY
wE'rE gOiN tO hEaVeN
wE'rE tHe ClAsS oF 20o7!¡!
-:|:- Bad girls don't cry,
-:|:- Dumb girls need "air",
-:|:- Naughty girls need underwear,
-:|:- Sweet girls aren't mean,
Funny girls make a scene,
-:|:- Perfect girls have all the class,
Mean girls will kick your ass,
-:|:- Smart girls will excel,
-:|:- Gossip girls will tell,
-:|:- Popular girls
get all the boys,
-:|:- Little girls play with toys,
-:|:- Normal girls are nothing new,
-:|:- So which one applies
to you?
Dance as if no one was watching,
Sing as if no one was listening,
Love as if your heart won't break,.·´`·»
live as if each day was ur last,.·´`·»
and don't fear what you don't understand..·´`·»
wHiLe da WoRLd iS gOiN cRaZy
wHiLe da SkY iZ FaLLiN dOwN
OnE tHiNg u CaN CoUnT oN
i WiLL aLwAyZ bE aRoUnD
wHiLe da RaiN oUtsiDe iS pOuR`N
iLL MaKe da SuN sHiNe tHrU
iLL dO My eVeRyThiNg
cUz BaBii i LoVe YoU
I WiSh i cOuLd eXpLaIn
WhAt i SeE In yOuR eYez...
HoW JuSs 1 LoOk FrOm u GiVeS My StOmAcH
I'm not suppose
to love you, I'm not suppose to care,
I'm not suppose to live my life, wishing you were there,
I'm not suppose to wonder,
where you are or what you do,
but I can't help it because I'm still in love with you.
Why cant u love
me the way I love u -
why cant u think of me the way I think of u -
why cant u cry for me the way I cry for u -
cant u want me the way I want u."
*Why do we always love the
ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones who love us?"
*It takes only a minute
to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone -
but it takes a lifetime to forget
*Never give up if you still
want to try, never wipe your tears if you still want to cry,
never settle for the answer if you still want to know, never
say you don't like him
if you can't let him go
*I loved you once-I love
you still-I always have-I always will
Forget the time
you walked by*Forget the times you made me cry*
Forget the times you held my hand*
Forget the sweet things if I can*I
can no longer pretend*
I've got to remember now you're just my friend
Someday you'll
cry for me like I cried for you*Someday you'll miss me like
I missed you*Someday you'll need me like I needed you*Someday
love me but I won't love you
*Life without you is like
a broken pencil, there's no point.
*Never say I love
you, if you really don't care. Never talk about feelings,
if they aren't really there. Never hold my hand, if you are
going to break my heart.
Never say you are going to, if you don't plan to start. Never look into my eyes,
all you do is lie. Never say hello, if you really mean goodbye. If you really mean
forever, then say you will try. Never
say forever, cause forever makes me cry
*A kiss is just a kiss til
you find the one you love,
a hug is just a hug til it's the one you're thinking of,
a dream is just a dream until
you make it come true,
LoVe is just a word until it's proven to you.
I hate the way
you're always right, I hate the way you lie
I hate that you make me laugh, even worse that you make me cry.
I hate that
you're not around, and that you didn't call.i hate the way i dont hate
not even a little bite not even at all!!I LOVE YOU!
i lost my dad when i was young
one shot 2 the chest w/ a gun
i try 2 fight the pain but
there is 2 much
i feel like i need 2 be reached out and touch
the pain will go on day by day
even though i cry and sometimes pray
the pain will go on even
though i pray
because there are alot of things i need 2 say
as u read this try 2 imagine the pain
but u cant cause it comes down like rain
when i finally get 2 see him i will be glad
Rest In Peace .................
***100 memoriez, 200 jokes,
300 great times, 400 secrets
~ 1 reason ~ Best Fwiends Foreva!
***Stonerz live & stonerz
die, but in da end we all get high!
So if in life u dunt succeed just fuck it all & smoke sum weed!
i cOuLd SeArCh Da wHoLe
UnTiL mY L.i.F.e iS ThRoUgH
BuT i KnOw iLL *N e V e R* FiNd
SoMeOnE aS pErFeCt As *YoU*
:*:it took me by complete
s u r p r i s e
when my heart got lost in his -eyes-
he's not at aLL what i was loOking 4
he's all i W a N t E
d & [so much mOre]:*:
LoVe iS wHeN u HaD a BaD
BuT wHeN u SeE *HiM* aLL tHe pAiN gOeS aWaY
*SoMeTiMeS U JuSt KiSS SoMeOnE
u KnoW RiGhT TheN & TheRe
ThaT TheY'Re The PErSoN Ur SuppoSeD tO KiSS
[ FoR The ReSt Of uR LiFe ]*
smile on my face *
-the twinkle in my eyez-
[[the daydreamin` i do .]]
all becuz of yOu.::.
he`s the -" o n L y "- one...
Leaves me compLeteLy
. b . r . e . a . t . h . L . e . S . s
THe Day i MeT u My LiFe
The Way yOu MaKe mE feeL iS haRd tO expLaiN
U MaKe mE sMiLe iN a speCiaL kinD of way
U MaKe mE faLL DeEpeR
in lOvE eveRyDay
U LoOk iN my EyeS aNd MakE it tRue
TheRe iS nO oNe in tHe wOrLd fOr mE bUt yOu
ThA mOrE i SeE oF *yOu*
ThA mOrE iT cOmEs So *TrU*
ThErE cAnT bE aNoThEr 4 Me
i KnO iTs JuS *yOu*
•:*WhEn I LoOk iNtO
yOuR eYeS
mY wHoLe WorLd FeELs So RighT
BuT tO mE iTs No SuRpRiSe
CuZ uR tHe BeSt ThiNg In My LiFe*:•
*All i have to do is see
him [s M i L e]
and i kno ive fallen in love*
**when i lOoked in ur eyes,
i knew it was true,
my heart never lies. i was in lOve with u,
as u stOod there just loOking arOund
my whOle bOdy
melted intO the grOund.
i remember the day, i remember the time,
i remember the place still On my mind.
yOu lOoked
sO goOd in yOur sweatshirt n jeans,
i remember that night yOu were in my dreams
i wish i cOuld be with yOu day after
because i love yOu mOre than wOrds can say..**
* ..Once Upon a Time..Something
Happened To me..It was the Sweetest Thing..That ever could be..It was a Fantasy..A dream Come True..It was the Day I Met You..
::WhEn u SmILeD u HaD mY
WhEn u LaUgHeD u HaD mE LaUgHiN
WhEn u TaLkEd u HaD mE LiStEnInG
AnD wHeN u ToLd mE u LoVeD mE
..u HaD
mY hEaRt FoReVeR..::..
iLL LiCk YoU Up aNd DoWn
iMMa PlAy WiTh Ya BoDy aNd MaKe YoU HoT
iMMa Do aLL ThA ThInGs YoU WaNt Me Ta Do
CuZ ToNiTe
bAbY iMMa PuT iT On YoU
UR pants _ EVERYONE can SEE it BUT only U can FEEL the WARMTH*
*×o×*iF U WaNNa See tHa
*×o×*YoU GoTTa LiVe tHRu tHa RaIN*×o×*
*×o×*iF U WaNNa See tRu LoVe*×o×*
*×o×*U GoTTa TaKe tHa PaiN*×o×*
.*Be Sexy...Be True...Be
Wild...Be You*..
.x.PeOpLe ChAnGe..ThiNgZ
gO wRoNg..ShYt WiLL hApPeN..bUt.x.
[(LiFe gOeZ oN)].x.
!-i kNeW i wUd lOoK BaCk
oN mY TeArS n lAuGh bUt i nEvER kNeW i wUd lOoK BaCk oN mY lAuGhS aNd cRy-!
The worst way to miss someone is
to have them sitting right next to you and know that you
*I could fill 1000 pages
telling you how I felt.. ..and still you wouldnt understand.... I wanna be the one u chill with always *huggin n Kissin*
N when we aint gettin together... i wanna b the wun ur *missin*aLwAyS tHere wEn I CaLL uR nEvA 2 bUsY oR tHiNk My PrObleMs
R 2 sMaLL dA upS N dOwNs...HiGhS n LoWs U StIcK wIt Me ThRU iT AlL -
`v´ i wanna be the *1* he TuRns 2 n SmiLes At-
WhiLe he's teLLiN all his b0yS-
"yEaH...sHe'S MiNe
*I luv**sumone*